National League Tournament

Virtual Tournament Instructions
“Virtual” tournaments provide the opportunity for all League teams to participate in an inclusive season-ending event. The virtual format is used whereas an in-person event at a single shooting range is not feasible due to a variety of circumstances – inconvenient timing, lower participation than expected, excessive travel, or difficulties in obtaining the proper shooting range access.
This tournament invites all League student athletes to compete in season-average classifications at the convenience of the team’s home shooting range. Only student athletes that completed the League’s registration for the event are eligible to compete.
Teams will complete the tournament event during pre-determined multiple-day time period. Coaches will be responsible for submitting scores through their Team Management System in ClayTargetGo!. Scores and rankings will be published on the League’s website shortly after the completion of the event. Awards will be shipped directly to teams for both individual and team honors.
All participants and spectators are required to adhere to all event rules and requirements included in the League’s Policies & Procedures.
Virtual Tournament Rules
Registration Fee
All registrants pay a non-refundable $25 per athlete per tournament registration fee. The registration fee includes an official tournament t-shirt for each athlete and the Head Coach. The League is responsible for all tournament awards and performance patches. Each team is required to be responsible for any or all associated expenses (IE: targets and/or ammunition) conducting the tournament at their local shooting range.
Registration closes on May 1st at Noon CT. Coaches may view registration instructions in TMS. Tournament rosters for paid student athletes is available to be viewed and downloaded by the Head Coach in the Team Management System through
Unregistered athletes are not allowed to participate.
Competition Guidelines:
Participation Period
Teams can conduct their tournament event at any time during June 7th-16th.
Score submissions through will be due June 16th, 2024 at 9 p.m. CT. Results will be published June 19th.
Competition & Score Submission Timing
Completing the competition event must occur at the team’s local shooting range at any time within the tournament timeline. Score submissions must occur prior to the tournament score submission deadline.
Suspension Of Competition Due to Hazardous Weather Conditions
In the event of inclement weather before or during the team’s scheduled competition day(s), safety must be a team’s first priority. When lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the event must be suspended. The occurrence of lightning or thunder is not subject to interpretation or discussion. Lightning is lightning; thunder is thunder.
Everyone must take shelter either inside of a building, shelter or vehicle. If, after lightning is seen, and it does not reoccur for 30 minutes, the event may continue. If not, reschedule the event prior to the score submission deadline.
Practice Rounds
Practice round(s) are allowed prior to declaring competition target rounds.
Competition Format
Each student athlete is required to complete two consecutive rounds of 50 targets each for 100 total targets. Student athletes must declare the competition round prior to starting the round. Poor competition rounds cannot be “redone”. The single 100-target competition score will be used for BOTH individual and team events.
Tournament legal-sized scoresheets for trap and skeet are available to download in TMS.
Individual Competition
All athletes will participate in the “High Score” (highest number of targets hit) competitions in their corresponding classification. Student athlete classifications are determined after Week 5 by using the student athlete’s year-end average weekly score for all participating weeks. Non-participating weeks by a student athlete is not included in average scores. Registered student athletes that did not post any scores during the regular season are eligible to participate and will automatically be assigned to the Varsity classification.
- Novice: 0-14.99 average per round
- Junior Varsity: 15-18.99 average per round
- Varsity: 19-25 average per round
Individual Competition Tiebreaker
If a tiebreaker is required for any places for the event, the longest reverse run of hit targets by the athletes will be used. The longest reverse run score will start from the last (100th) target and count backwards until a missed target is reached to determine the tiebreaker score (indicated in yellow on the second 50-target Session example trap scoresheet below).
If there is a tie after the longest run is totaled, then a tie for that place is declared. Coaches MUST submit reverse run scores for ALL student athletes when submitting scores.
Sample Session 2 scoresheet:

Team Competition
The top five student athlete scores from a team will be used to determine the overall team score. No squadding is required.
Team Competition Tiebreaker
If a tiebreaker is required for any places, the team member with the highest round score from each team will be used to break the tie. Subsequent score comparisons will be used if the top score is tied.
Submitting Scores
Score submissions for the tournament will be available on the first day of the tournament through your Team Management System. The software will automatically calculate all scores.
- A team’s coach with score submission access must login to TMS
- Select the “Tournament” from the menu to select Session 1 (first 50 scores) or Session 2 (last 50 scores) to begin entering scores. Select “Scratch” for a student athlete if he/she is not participating in the tournament.
- Reverse run score entries (see “Sample Session 2 scoresheet example” for instructions to calculate the reverse run score).
- Session 1: Enter the reverse run score.
The reverse run score cannot be larger than the total score for Session 1 for each student athlete. The Session 1 reverse run score is only used to calculate the final reverse run score of both Sessions IF a student athlete scores a 50 in Session 1. For example: Session 1 reverse run = 50 and Session 2 reverse run = 32 (missed the 18th target), then the total reverse run score will be 18. - Session 2: Enter the reverse run score.
- Final reverse run score calculation: Is automated for the posted scores.
If the Session 2 score is less than 50, then the Session 1 reverse run score is automatically disregarded and the Session 2 reverse run score is used for the tiebreaker comparison.
- Session 1: Enter the reverse run score.
- Verify that all entered numbers are correct and select “Save” to submit scores.
- After scores are submitted, an email confirmation is sent to all team staff members that are selected to receive scoring email confirmation in their TMS profile preferences.
- If a scoring error occurs, follow the same score submission process to correct the score.
Score submissions must occur prior to 9 p.m. CT on the last day of the tournament. All scores are final when the score submission deadline expires.
Tournament results will be published on the website shortly after the completion of the tournament. You can find links on the Tournament Homepage
The following awards will be awarded for the tournament:
Top 5 scores regardless of Classifications: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
If there are less than 3 teams participating, only a 1st place award is awarded.
Novice, Junior Varsity and Varsity: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place – male and female
Overall High Score
All conference season and tournament awards and patches will be shipped within two weeks to teams upon completion of the tournament.
Good Luck & THANK YOU!
This event is possible because of the dedication of coaches, assistants, schools, student athletes and shooting ranges.